
This Blended MHFA course is essential training for all pharmacists and front line pharmacy staff. Informed by a reference group of pharmacy professionals across Australia, this course teaches pharmacists and pharmacy staff how to assist a customer who is developing a mental health problem or in a mental health crisis.
This training meets the new QCPP requirements; where at least one member of staff in the pharmacy must hold a Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training certificate. This can be either the pharmacist and/or front line pharmacy staff.

This course is designed for the Pharmacy who finds it difficult to release their staff to attend the 12-hour Standard MHFA Course. It is completed in a Blended format, combining eLearning plus a follow-up a half day face-to-face session.
This activity has been accredited for 12 hours of Group 2 CPD (or 24 CPD credits) for inclusion in an individual’s pharmacist’s CPD plan.






THIS PROGRAM MEETS THE NEW MANDATORY QCPP REQUIREMENTS; where at least one member of staff in the pharmacy must hold a MHFA training certificate

Pharmaceutical Society of Australia Requirements